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Earl Tudor

Tudor EarlThe famous three time winner Tudor's Dibo. Someone sent me the following story. Tudor told me a similar story. Bill De Cordova fist told me Earl Tudor registered dogs out of Tudors Runt till he got his hands on the real papers. Later Tudor varified that fact to me. There were still lots of dogs around back then out of Dibo that were registered out of Runt. I personally had one of the decendents of Dibo registed out of  Runt.

Dibo's dam was Ed Ritcheson's Bambi. Bambi, also known as Heinzl's Bambi. She was sired by Ritcheson's Spike and she was out of Ritcheson's Spotty. A novice by the name of W. D. Smith acquired Bambi and made the breeding to Wiz Hubbard's Bounce. Smith eventually sold Dibo, as a pup, to a man named Jensen who only wanted a pet for his son. The young boy named his pet Dumbo. He later got tired of him and wished for a collie, as Lassie was popular at that time. Jensen then contacted Mr. Heinzl in regard to trading Dumbo for a collie pup. Howard Heinzl knew Bounce and Bambi were good individuals, but still had his doubts as one of Bounce's sisters were questionable, and Bambi was cold. The trade was made and Dumbo went home with Howard Heinzl and stayed, where he would follow Mr. Heinzl and stayed out of the reach of the other chained dogs on the yard for about two years.

Earl Tudor visited Heinzl's yard and took a liking to Dumbo. Mr. Heinzl offered Mr. Tudor any dog on his yard, trying to convince him to purchase a good dog. In spite of everything, Tudor took Dumbo home and changed his name to Dibo. Dibo was stolen shorty after and was sold to a black restaurant owner, who named him Runt, Frank Ferris later changed all the incorrect papers. The pup wouldn't hit a lick until he was almost 3 years old, but when it did, He was a great dog from that day forward! Floyd Boudreaux and William Burley owned a good brindle dog named Buzz on halves. They had to pull this pup off Buzz in :18 minutes as he wrecked Buzz in short order. Floyd matched him at 39 lbs. into a 40 lb. dog and won the contest in style and short order. He used his dad's Man dog 6 weeks later and matched into Gaboon Trahan and his highly regarded Country Boy dog, gave him a pound and beat him in :33 minutes. Dibo became one of the best producers of his era and the beginning of a famous Dibo bloodline. Tudor said in picking out a dog. It didn't matter to him what the pedigree said. He saw the dog roll and tested him and if he suited him. No matter what he was or wasn't. If he liked him and if he could win with him. That was what was important to him. If he won with him and he continued to look good in his matches he bred to him. That is why he wanted to breed to my 'Alvin The Dog'.

I was at some matches down by Lawton, Oklahoma in the late 60's. Maloney was matched into Jimmy Jobe. They got in a fuss and Maloney hit Jobe and knocked him down once. When he hit Jobe. Earl Tudor jumped up and started screaming where are they at Don. He had cataracts and had limited visibility. He thought Don was fighting several people. Earl had his fist up and was screaming angry words ready to fight. He had to be in his upper sixties. L.W. Martin thought he could settle him down. So he walked over and got in front of Earl Tudor trying to talk to him. Earl hit Martin in the face and knocked him backwards before Martin could duck. Martin yelled out at him 'It is me Earl'. He finally got Earl settled down. What else was sort of entertainment was that when Don knocked Jobe down he got right back up and got hit a second time and Curred out saying lets fight dogs and not each other. Jobes wife was setting in the bleachers and passed out and rolled to the ground when the first lick hit Jimmy Jobe. Danny Burton was setting right behind Jobes wife and looked at me with a big grin on his face and shook his head from side to side.

Earlier in the year Jobe had moved here to Oklahoma which was the biggest area of bulldog fighting back then. He came here from California. He stopped by Earl Tudor's house and knocked on Earls door telling him he was some kind of big time dog-fighter. Jobes hair was dark black and he had his hair greased down. Jobe had used me for an excuse to stop there. He thought If he told Earl that he knew me he could stay and visit. He made a mistake of taking out a notebook and handing Earl a page that he had written down all the weights he had open to match. Earl grabbed it and tore it up and threw it to the ground. You just didn't walk up to Earl trying to upstage him. Earl Tudor called me after he left and ask me if I knew that Jobe guy with the greased down hair. I told him yes he move out here about 16 miles from me. I was living at Drummond,Oklahoma back then and working at Vance Air Force Base. He said do you like him? I told him. No I can't stand him. He said he wished he'd known that Jobe wasn't my friend like he tried to Tell Earl he was. He said he would have knocked him on his ass. Don't you think for a minute he wouldn't have. I know he would have for sure. Earl was not afraid of any man. I'm not sure he couold whip a lot of them that were super tough but he did not fear them.

The first time Don took Danny Burton over to Earls. Earl Tudor came out of the house and stook his nose to Dannys face and walked in a circle all the way around Danny with his head and nose real close to Danny's head. Earl was about 5 foot 7 or 8 and weighed about 150 to 160 pounds. Danny said Earl scared him when he did that. I'm sure Danny could have Whipped him. Yet Earl was not sure Danny could whip him or he wouldn't have done that.

MY real father who my Mother devorced when I was two or three and my dads brother one of my Uncles use to haul whiskey from Leo Kinards house in Mississippi to Earls Tudors house back in the late 1930's to the 1940's. I took Skeeter my uncle to a dogfight in the 1960's and took him over to Talk to Earl about old times. They talked the Whiskey business for an hour while the dogs fought. This has been a little story about Earl and some more guys.

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Категория: The APBT | Добавил: IchIGeki (06.02.2015)
Просмотров: 514 | Теги: Tudor Earl | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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